Our Pastor

Meet Pastor Dustin Ridings

The Lord certainly has a plan for each of us and our lives are often filled with many exciting adventures. I have been a lifelong resident of the wonderful state of Wisconsin, having grown up in the Chippewa Falls area, moving to the Green Bay area in 1999, and then moving to Oconto in 2015.

While the ministry was in my heart at a young age, God had another plan initially, using me to help others as a firefighter and paramedic for over thirty years. It was later in life that He called me into the ministry, a way to serve others in service to Him. It is my heartfelt feeling that my emergency services work has helped to prepare me for the ministry in a unique way. I am also confident that my faith has impacted my work in that realm as well.

I have been married to my wonderful wife Jessica for since 1997. Together we have two beautiful adult daughters. Through them we also have four amazing grandchildren; two granddaughters and two grandsons.

As I am still bi-vocational, free time is a commodity. Outside of church and family life, however I do find the occasional hour or two to engage in some hobbies. My interests include fishing, hunting, kayaking, and flying, all of which have plentiful offers in the Oconto area. When not honing those skills or writing a sermon, it would not be surprising to find me in the middle of reading a good book, not surprisingly one related to a hobby!

I look forward to meeting everyone at church and enjoy speaking to members and visitors alike. Please join me in conversation during fellowship after worship. There is nothing better than getting to know a new friend over a cup of coffee!

Pastor Dustin standing beside a church member that is sitting

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