About Us
In today’s world, social isolation is rising. Many people lack a sense of community. They also lack a sense of who God is and how God is working in their lives. They long for fellowship, purpose, and meaning in life. That is just what they find at Zion Lutheran Church in Oconto, Wisconsin. Zion Lutheran Church is an LCMS community bringing people back to the Bible and back to Christ. Through traditional worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, and fellowship, we walk together in faith.

Worship Services on Sunday
We are all God’s children in the Body of Christ. Through our Heavenly Father, we receive an abundance of blessings and gifts including forgiveness, strength, and renewal. Every Sunday, we put aside the things of this world to focus on Christ. Through Scripture, song, prayer and reflection, we renew our faith every week. Our Zion Lutheran LCMS community worships together Sunday mornings and midweek during Advent and Lent. Coming to church is important to us. Worship gives us the opportunity to gather as disciples who share the same beliefs and understandings. Every Sunday, we experience God’s love and receive God’s mercy and healing.
Fellowship, Service & Bible Study
After the Sunday service, the Zion Lutheran congregation gathers for coffee, desserts, and fellowship. Additionally, our men’s group meets regularly for Bible Study and projects. Our women’s group, Dorcas Circle, gathers weekly or monthly for crafts and projects that benefit the congregation and the community. Every spring, we welcome family, friends, and neighbors to a potato pancake breakfast. In the fall, we sponsor a booth at Harvest Fest in Oconto. At other times of the year, we meet for socializing and service.

Liturgical, Scripture-Based Worship
As members of Zion Lutheran Church, we look to Christ every day to work in our lives. Our church is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and offers liturgical, scripturally based worship services. We share the Gospel message of salvation with those around us.
LCMS Lutheran Church in Oconto WI
Are you looking for a church where you can feel at home? Do you desire a place to worship with friends and family? Do you prefer a smaller, more engaging service? Then Zion Oconto is just the place. Consider attending Sunday service. We’re sure you’ll find it as welcoming, reverent, and inspiring as we do! Just 30 minutes north of Green Bay, Wisconsin, Zion Lutheran Church is located in the city of Oconto, Wisconsin. Our address is 1700 Superior Avenue, Oconto, across the street from Oconto High School.

Our Vision
Delivery of Word and Sacrament as Christ instituted them for the redemption of God’s children.